How to Schedule Resource Usage Reports

Scheduling resource usage reports is crucial for monitoring your dedicated server’s performance over time. This guide will walk you through the process of scheduling automatic reports for resource usage such as CPU, memory, disk space, and network.

Step 1: Install the Necessary Tools

To begin scheduling resource usage reports, you’ll need a tool to monitor system resources. One common tool for this task is sar (System Activity Reporter), which comes with the sysstat package.

  • Update your package list:
    • sudo apt update (for Ubuntu/Debian)
    • sudo yum update (for CentOS/RHEL)
  • Install sysstat:
    • sudo apt install sysstat (for Ubuntu/Debian)
    • sudo yum install sysstat (for CentOS/RHEL)

Step 2: Enable and Start Data Collection

Once sysstat is installed, enable and start the service that collects resource usage data.

  • Enable the sysstat service to start automatically:
    • sudo systemctl enable sysstat
  • Start the service:
    • sudo systemctl start sysstat

Step 3: Verify Data Collection

To ensure that the sysstat service is collecting data properly, check the status of the service.

  • View the data collection for CPU, memory, and other system resources:
    • sar -u 1 3 (CPU usage every 1 second, 3 times)
    • sar -r 1 3 (Memory usage every 1 second, 3 times)

You should see system usage statistics displayed on the terminal.

Step 4: Create a Shell Script for Resource Usage Reports

Next, create a shell script that will generate resource usage reports. This script will be run automatically at scheduled times.

  • Create a new shell script:

    • nano /path/to/
  • Add the following script to generate a resource usage report:

    DATE=$(date +"%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S")
    # Generate CPU usage report
    sar -u 1 3 > $CPU_REPORT
    # Generate memory usage report
    sar -r 1 3 > $MEMORY_REPORT
    # Generate disk usage report
    df -h > $DISK_REPORT
    • Replace /path/to/reports/ with the directory where you want to store your reports.
  • Make the script executable:

    • chmod +x /path/to/

Step 5: Schedule the Script Using Cron Jobs

Now that the script is ready, you’ll schedule it to run automatically at a specific time using cron.

  • Edit the cron job configuration:
    • crontab -e
  • Add a line to schedule the report generation. For example, to generate a report every day at midnight:
    • 0 0 * * * /path/to/
    • This cron job will execute the script daily at midnight.

Step 6: Verify Cron Job

Once the cron job is set up, you can verify that it is running correctly by checking the cron log.

  • View the cron log:
    • grep CRON /var/log/syslog (for Ubuntu/Debian)
    • grep CRON /var/log/cron (for CentOS/RHEL)

Ensure that the cron job is executing as scheduled.

Step 7: Review and Analyze the Reports

After the cron job runs, the resource usage reports will be generated and saved in the specified directory. You can review the reports by opening the respective files:

  • For CPU usage:
    • /path/to/reports/cpu_report_YYYY-MM-DD_HH-MM-SS.txt
  • For memory usage:
    • /path/to/reports/memory_report_YYYY-MM-DD_HH-MM-SS.txt
  • For disk usage:
    • /path/to/reports/disk_report_YYYY-MM-DD_HH-MM-SS.txt

You can analyze these reports to identify any potential performance bottlenecks or areas where resources might need to be optimized.


Scheduling resource usage reports on your dedicated server is an effective way to monitor your server’s health and performance over time. By following these steps, you can automate the process and receive valuable insights into your server’s resource usage. Regular reporting helps ensure that your server operates efficiently and can handle increasing demands.

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